Why Do We Need Smart Irrigation? (All you need to know)

Izone Digital
4 min readAug 19, 2021


What is smart irrigation?

A mix of modern technologies, such as sprinklers with nozzles that may enhance the range and coverage of water flow, is generally used in the arrangement.

The smart controller’s integration is perhaps the most essential component of a smart irrigation system.

The weather, soil conditions, evaporation, and plant water usage are all monitored by this device. The technology can automatically recognise and adapt the watering schedule to the exact conditions needed on the site by monitoring these details.

Why do we need smart irrigation?

Traditional irrigation methods waste water in a handful of ways:

1. Sprinkler heads: These are prone to failure, are easy to kick and trip over, and grow even more fragile the longer they are exposed to the scorching heat. Sprinkler heads that don’t pop up when watering, spray too much or too little water, or don’t spray at all are all indicators that they’re damaged.

2. Broken water lines: Faulty or broken water lines might be the cause of a big portion of your irrigation system not operating. A dip in the ground, water gushing up, or just a very damp patchy region are all frequent signs.

3. Inadequate scheduling: Smart irrigation’s capacity to recognise the ideal moment to water your garden is one of the main reasons for its use. Traditional irrigation systems have no way of knowing if it has rained lately or how much moisture is present in the soil. They’re just programmed to function at a certain time each day. For instance, if it has just rained, this makes no sense. A smart watering system can help you save money.

How do smart irrigation systems work?

Smart irrigation systems gather vital data from sensors such as soil moisture, precipitation forecasts, and outside temperatures. The smart controller may utilise this information to transmit predetermined user instructions to actuators, which turn on and off the sprinkler system.

Moisture sensors capture all of this information; all you have to do as the user is set a moisture and temperature threshold.

Advantages of using smart irrigation:

1. Save money by reducing water waste:

The majority of smart irrigation controllers will be able to adapt for daily weather, plant kind, soil type, and yard slope.

Smart controllers with more advanced features can even consider site-specific weather modifications, such as adjusting for the microclimate in your yard. This significantly lowers the risk of overwatering.

2. Increase your landscapes health:

Most individuals who are new to smart irrigation worry that adapting to the new technology would result in their landscape being underwatered.

However, the exact reverse is true. Overwatering, not underwatering, is the leading cause of landscape loss. This means that switching to smart irrigation might really benefit your landscaping.

Smart irrigation systems may be programmed to provide precisely the correct amount of water to your plants. This green technology takes into account the soil type and can switch between cycles and soak your lawn in the exact amount of time needed, enabling water to be absorbed rather than flow off.

3. Prepares you for the future of water:

Water prices are growing faster than all other utility expenditures, and they will continue to climb in order to pay for infrastructure upgrades.

Using a smart irrigation system will allow you to stay ahead of the water expense curve while also saving the planet’s valuable water.

Using the iZone app on your smart device or your iZone controller, you can have total control over your garden from anywhere in the globe.

1. Choose from up to 24 stations, each of which may be controlled separately.

2. Depending on the weather, adjust your cycles on the go.

3. Take the guesswork out of inspecting and repairing your sprinklers by using your phone.

4. Reduce water run-off with mini soak-and-cycle programs.

5. Use IFTTT to automatically skip a watering day if it rains.


So, why do we require intelligent irrigation? From environmental to cost-effective considerations, I feel this essay has addressed the majority of the essential reasons why you should. Switching to smart irrigation is the only way to ensure a long-term future.

More Information:

Location: 9 Geelong Court, Bibra Lake, Western Australia, 6163

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